Sunday, November 16, 2014

“Rise in love, within yourself”

There are many different ways to sing the song of unconditional life. Love is one of those ways to sing the song of unconditional life.

Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!

This word love is used so much; people say it lost its meaning. I wonder if the word anger, fear, hate…..etc. lost any of its meaning too, as these words are literally used more than love. So what is love, why so much emphasis on love, what’s the big deal about love. All we hear about love is, love has given nothing but pain, misery, misunderstanding, fear, anger, hatred, broken hearts, bitterness, depressions ….. the list goes on and on and on, this is all because of that other person, place or thing in their or not in their life. It is like they waited all their life for this other person, who was to deliver love, the delivery did not come thru, broke their heart, that ruined their life and everything that they dreamed of. So before we hold this delivery person responsible for not delivering the love that they were supposed to deliver, before we totally wipe this word love from our life forever, let’s look at it with an open mind, with no preconceived thoughts, with no cultural beliefs, no matter which cultural brand we belong to, let’s look at it just as a student of Mother Earth School Of Life Performing arts.

So what is love?

 Do this simple self-search / self-analyses, ask yourself this question if you prefer to, and share the fragrance of your thoughts.

 In my experience of life, I cannot define love, It is like trying to hold this vast beautiful sky in my hands, I can only define what is definitive. Love is infinite, it can be experienced, and we can share the experience of it with no expectations whatsoever. As every single one of us is unique and precious, so is the experience of love. Love is self-propelling and self-generating amazing food for life, the more you share the more you have, and this is no mumbo jumbo, this is physics of consciousness.    

“Fall in love” this beautiful phrase, I hear people say this all the time, and believe me, they literally (fall) do this, then they will complain and curse what they call love and the person who was supposed to deliver love as they were falling in their version of this deep dark chamber of love, they not only hurt themselves, they hurt the other person also that they dragged along in this bondage. That is possessiveness; they want to possess every being, place and thing. I hope who ever started this phrase of falling in love, survived the injuries.

“Rise in love, within yourself” that’s what love does, you bloom in love, in that fragrance of love you come to life, your every unfolding moment comes to life, every being, place and thing around you starts to bloom in love, you are not possessive in love,  you share your love, you support in love, you forgive in love, you sing in love, you dance in love, you are complete in love, you are content in love, you laugh in love, you live in love, you liberate in love….. Just like the fragrance of flower connects birds, butterflies, honeybees, humans and other species to the flower, same way love connects us with ourselves, with others, with the creation and the creator. Love makes us the co-creator of existence and every unfolding moment starts to bloom with the fragrance of life.

They say, for the first time when human beings saw  themselves in the still water mirror, they were really scared of themselves, their own self scared the heck out of them, from there started the journey of physical self enhancement, and we have come a long way from that first scary self-reflection in the still water mirror.  

The same way love is also the invisible mirror within ourselves,   it helps us to enhance our non-physical being. The more we enhance our non-physical being the more we fill ourselves with love, there comes a point when love within you starts to spill over.  All along you were the ultimate source of love, and you realize how complete you are. Unnecessary and for no reason you kept on blaming someone else for not delivering you the promised love.

You were, you are, and you will always be the song of unconditional life (SOUL), full of unconditional love.
 Bloom and this Universe will Bloom with you !!

 Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together !

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