Saturday, November 22, 2014


Expectations are nothing but self-driven thorns in the feet, every time you take a step they throb. So do anything and everything wholeheartedly with zero expectations whatsoever. Expectations will take the fun out of whatever you are doing.

Expectations take us right away into the future, the thing is future does not exist, so in this process of expectations we lose the present of present, by not being present. I will say if you want to focus on expectations, then focus on expectation of being in the present.

See when the flower blooms, it just blooms for the love of blooming, that’s it, nothing else. It does not matter to the flower if the breeze steps in or not to pick up the pleasant fragrance of the flower and carry it on its wings across the valleys, plains, and over the mountains, the flower blooms irrespective of any/all of that, as it loves to bloom with no expectations whatsoever.

Just be in the moment wholeheartedly, everything else will take care of itself. No matter what you want to do, you want to make tons of money, be in the moment wholeheartedly doing your business or whatever work you do, before you know, money will follow you.

Everything needs energy, expectations drain lots of energy and it will keep on draining energy until we shift to present mode.

If you ever see anybody in tears, in pain, in desolation, in sorrow, in ache, in throb…..sit down with them, take a minute, talk to them and if you see any thorn of expectation, help them take it out, to stop the throb. Listen to your heart.
Life is not supposed to limp,
Life is supposed to leap,
Leap in love, leap in laughter,
Leap in happiness, leap in harmony,
Leap in vitality, leap in vigor,
Life is supposed to leap !!
This body is a blessing till we start driving with our own hands the thorns of perfection, expectations, successfulness, possessiveness….etc in our feet, then we make it conditional and the same body feels like a burden. Please remove the burden, so that the blessings can bloom.

Let me share an example; before I started this blog I use to document my thoughts with the help of pencil and paper, then one day I thought that I use computer anyway, why not use it to document my thoughts and with that thought my blog came into existence. So now all I do is finish the topic that I have started to the best of my ability and publish it, with zero expectations, if anybody reads it, be my guest, on the other hand even if nobody looks this way, still bless their heart. You see, every activity needs energy and focus, so does expectations, especially if nothing goes as expected, expectation is a condition, and I want to blog unconditionally, only then I will be able to do it with undivided attention.

I love to blog and thru blog; I love to enjoy the fragrance of thoughts and the song of unconditional life from every part of this grand stage called mother earth, and I do not want to put any condition of expectations on this song of unconditional life.   

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.


  1. Thank you for sharing your energy, your Love with the Universe. I am grateful. Appreciate you and your writings. ♡

  2. Thank you for sharing your energy, your Love with the Universe. I am grateful. Appreciate you and your writings. ♡

    1. Angel B Love,
      I am glad you enjoyed the visit.
      Angel, stop by when you feel like,
      You are always welcome.
      Thanks Angel.
