Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy New Year:

Every Year, a precious Happy New Year,

Every Moment, a precious Happy New Moment,

Every being, a precious being,

Every color, a precious color,

Every flower, a precious flower,

Every bloom, a precious bloom,

Every fragrance, a precious fragrance,

Life to bloom, with the fragrance of love,

Wish you all, best of everything in life,

Wish you all, Conscious, Healthy, Wealthy,
             Harmonious and Happy New Year!!

Let's sing the song of unconditional life together.

 © Copyright all rights reserved.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Silence and Serenity:

Silence is full of song and serenity.

Let me share an example. You must have seen a frozen waterfall (in real or in pictures), now in a frozen waterfall the water is there, the vertical fall is there, mother earth is there to catch it as it falls, the waterfall is there in its entirety, the only thing is that the waterfall is in the state of silence. And we can say;

The waterfall is frozen, in the state of silence,

In the silence, the music is still there,

In the silence, the song is still there,

In the silence, the dance is still there,

In the silence, the color is still there,

In the silence, the freshness is still there,

In the silence, the coolness is still there,

The waterfall is frozen, in the state of silence.


In the silence you will hear, the melody of the muse,

In the silence, the muse will kiss the soul,

In the silence, the moon will dance with the stars,

In the silence, the clouds will color the sky,

In the silence, the rain will fall under gravity,

In the silence, the mother will bestow the grace.

In the silence, the flower of life will dance and bloom,

In the silence, the breeze will spread the wings,

In the silence, the fragrance of life will ride the breeze.

In the silence, the gratitude becomes the prayer,

In the silence, the busy mind meditates,

In the silence, the inward journey starts,

In the silence, the flower of life will dance and bloom.

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together!

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


There are billions of beings who are trying to manifest and do manifest their needs, wants, desires…. and it is the same one source that answers every call simultaneously. This process of manifestation helps us realize that we are part of something lot bigger than we can even imagine, we can say it is like, “wave in the ocean and ocean in the wave”. The wave exists only because of the ocean, it is the ocean that waves in the wave, it is the ocean that the wave is riding on, it is the ocean that lets the wave to dance on its heart, and we can also say that the heart beat rhythm/symphony of the ocean helps the waves to dance, as it is the heart beat of the waves too. These waves recede back into the same ocean that they rise from. Without the ocean there will be no wave.  Same way nothing exists without the existence, we are waves in the ocean of existence.

We rise from this existence and we recede back into the same existence after experiencing the existence. The existence or the source helps us manifest whatever we prefer to experience.

To manifest, it is important to align with the source, otherwise no matter how much and how many times the source shower its blessings we will keep on missing it if we are not aligned with the source. I am sure there are so many ways to manifest. Meditation and the state of gratitude help with manifestation too. When we are meditating in the state of gratitude, we are aligned with the source to thank for everything, the more we are thankful, the more we are aligned with the source, the more we are able to connect and communicate with the source, the more we are able to manifest.

Whichever way you try to manifest, keep on trying to manifest whole heartedly, one thing is for sure, sooner or later you will be able to manifest.  So once you are able to manifest, you start enjoying the magic of manifestation, you manifest all of your needs, wants, desires…. tons of money, cars, nice houses, vacation homes, lover, clothes, gold, diamonds, you name it and you have it, and there is nothing wrong with it, as we are here to experience what we prefer to experience. Do not just stop here. Now use the same magic of manifestation to experience the unconditional inner vastness. Otherwise it will be like the story of the man who manifested a diamond cave, the story goes like this; there was a man who manifested a cave full of diamonds and other precious jewels, as the entrance to the cave opened, there was an announcement by the cave, “take whatever you like, make sure you leave the cave before the sun set, otherwise the entrance to the cave will shut and you will be trapped forever”. The man entered the cave with his several horses and huge sacks, when he saw the cave full of glittering diamonds and jewels, he went crazy jumping up and down those glittering mounds with excitement filling one sack after another, forgot about the sunset and was trapped in the cave full of diamonds and precious jewels forever.

 If there were no humans on this planet,

 Will there be any precious gold, diamonds, jewels…..,

 It is precious you, with your precious presence exists precious gold, diamonds, jewels…..,

Manifest the reason why you are here really,

Manifest the love within, manifest the life within,

Manifest the flower within, manifest the fragrance within,

Manifest the candle within, manifest the light within,

Manifest the music within, manifest the dance within,

If there were no humans on this planet,

Will there be any precious gold, diamonds, jewels…..

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

 © Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Soul Prints

There are so many different way to experience life. I have seen that I can broadly experience life as outward journey and inward journey. Now outward as well as inward journey are the two sides of the same coin, both are important. On our outward journey we create footprints and during inward journey we create soul prints. Just as no two beings have same footprints, handprints, eye prints, thumbprints…etc. same way no two beings have same soul prints, every single one of us has the liberty to create , to decorate our own soul prints and infuse the unique fragrance of our unconditional love as we bloom. 

Let me share an example; when the birds walk, you can see their footprints, which are like outward journey, where you can see and relate to it. Now when the birds fly in the air, you cannot see their fly prints, even though we cannot see their fly prints, still those prints do exist, as their GPS system tracks it every time they embark on their journey, which is like inward journey. Just like the birds need both outward journey (when they walk on the ground) and inward journey (when they fly in the air), to have balance in their existence, same way we need to experience inward and outward journey to create balance in our existence.

 Inward journey and the outward journey are like the two banks of the river, river of life. The two banks need to be intact, so that the river of life can flow passionately, forgivingly, fearlessly,  lovingly, thankfully, gently, humbly, harmoniously, singing the song of unconditional life. There are times when the banks develop cracks for any reason, that can happen and that is ok, all it is telling us is that there is something that needs our attention and balancing.

Life in itself becomes the purpose and the destination when there is balance between the inward journey and the outward journey, all we have to do is be a witness to how gratefully and gracefully it flows, and the journey goes on, singing the song of unconditional life (SOUL).

It’s our wonderful, beautiful world,

Let’s balance it and color it with love,

In love we flow, in love we fly,

In love we forget, in love we forgive,

In love we learn, in love we live,

It’s our wonderful, beautiful world!!

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

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