Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fragrance of Life

We exist in so many different ways and there are so many different stages of existence. To understand it better we will use flower as an example. Some of those stages of existence are:

·        1st Stage- Money, material, artha (as is called in the east), lust, sensuality or kama (as is called in the east). This is like the stage where flower is just a bud.

·        2nd Stage- Consciousness or dharma (as is called in the east). This is like the stage where the bud starts to bloom.

·        3rd Stage- Liberation, Nirvana or Moksha (as is called in the east). Bud fully blooms and becomes a flower.

·        4th Stage- Love – Fragrance of flower becomes airborne and there are no boundaries no limits and it is unconditional.

Every stage has its own experience. The Beauty of love is that, it changes the meaning and experience of the different stages of existence. Love is the only path to find ourselves, without love we are lost, without love we are nothing more than a wanderer. Without love no matter which direction we go in, we will always be lost, and when we are lost, we know something is not right. When we are lost, our world starts to crumble, everybody and everything around us looks strange, and nothing connects. Love is the only path that lead us to ourselves, lead us home.
Love makes our life and the life of others meaningful. Every being, place or thing becomes meaningful. We are not here by accident, we are the host, love makes us host of life. We feel like we are part of this existence, our presence becomes meaningful and purposeful, everything connects and nothing looks strange anymore.

Just like the fragrance of flower, connect birds, butterflies, honeybees, humans and other species to the flower, same way love connect us with ourselves, with others, with the creation and the creator. Love makes us the co-creator of existence & every unfolding moment starts to bloom with the fragrance of life.

Let's sing the song of unconditional life together.

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