Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy New Year:

Every Year, a precious Happy New Year,

Every Moment, a precious Happy New Moment,

Every being, a precious being,

Every color, a precious color,

Every flower, a precious flower,

Every bloom, a precious bloom,

Every fragrance, a precious fragrance,

Life to bloom, with the fragrance of love,

Wish you all, best of everything in life,

Wish you all, Conscious, Healthy, Wealthy,
             Harmonious and Happy New Year!!

Let's sing the song of unconditional life together.

 © Copyright all rights reserved.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Silence and Serenity:

Silence is full of song and serenity.

Let me share an example. You must have seen a frozen waterfall (in real or in pictures), now in a frozen waterfall the water is there, the vertical fall is there, mother earth is there to catch it as it falls, the waterfall is there in its entirety, the only thing is that the waterfall is in the state of silence. And we can say;

The waterfall is frozen, in the state of silence,

In the silence, the music is still there,

In the silence, the song is still there,

In the silence, the dance is still there,

In the silence, the color is still there,

In the silence, the freshness is still there,

In the silence, the coolness is still there,

The waterfall is frozen, in the state of silence.


In the silence you will hear, the melody of the muse,

In the silence, the muse will kiss the soul,

In the silence, the moon will dance with the stars,

In the silence, the clouds will color the sky,

In the silence, the rain will fall under gravity,

In the silence, the mother will bestow the grace.

In the silence, the flower of life will dance and bloom,

In the silence, the breeze will spread the wings,

In the silence, the fragrance of life will ride the breeze.

In the silence, the gratitude becomes the prayer,

In the silence, the busy mind meditates,

In the silence, the inward journey starts,

In the silence, the flower of life will dance and bloom.

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together!

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


There are billions of beings who are trying to manifest and do manifest their needs, wants, desires…. and it is the same one source that answers every call simultaneously. This process of manifestation helps us realize that we are part of something lot bigger than we can even imagine, we can say it is like, “wave in the ocean and ocean in the wave”. The wave exists only because of the ocean, it is the ocean that waves in the wave, it is the ocean that the wave is riding on, it is the ocean that lets the wave to dance on its heart, and we can also say that the heart beat rhythm/symphony of the ocean helps the waves to dance, as it is the heart beat of the waves too. These waves recede back into the same ocean that they rise from. Without the ocean there will be no wave.  Same way nothing exists without the existence, we are waves in the ocean of existence.

We rise from this existence and we recede back into the same existence after experiencing the existence. The existence or the source helps us manifest whatever we prefer to experience.

To manifest, it is important to align with the source, otherwise no matter how much and how many times the source shower its blessings we will keep on missing it if we are not aligned with the source. I am sure there are so many ways to manifest. Meditation and the state of gratitude help with manifestation too. When we are meditating in the state of gratitude, we are aligned with the source to thank for everything, the more we are thankful, the more we are aligned with the source, the more we are able to connect and communicate with the source, the more we are able to manifest.

Whichever way you try to manifest, keep on trying to manifest whole heartedly, one thing is for sure, sooner or later you will be able to manifest.  So once you are able to manifest, you start enjoying the magic of manifestation, you manifest all of your needs, wants, desires…. tons of money, cars, nice houses, vacation homes, lover, clothes, gold, diamonds, you name it and you have it, and there is nothing wrong with it, as we are here to experience what we prefer to experience. Do not just stop here. Now use the same magic of manifestation to experience the unconditional inner vastness. Otherwise it will be like the story of the man who manifested a diamond cave, the story goes like this; there was a man who manifested a cave full of diamonds and other precious jewels, as the entrance to the cave opened, there was an announcement by the cave, “take whatever you like, make sure you leave the cave before the sun set, otherwise the entrance to the cave will shut and you will be trapped forever”. The man entered the cave with his several horses and huge sacks, when he saw the cave full of glittering diamonds and jewels, he went crazy jumping up and down those glittering mounds with excitement filling one sack after another, forgot about the sunset and was trapped in the cave full of diamonds and precious jewels forever.

 If there were no humans on this planet,

 Will there be any precious gold, diamonds, jewels…..,

 It is precious you, with your precious presence exists precious gold, diamonds, jewels…..,

Manifest the reason why you are here really,

Manifest the love within, manifest the life within,

Manifest the flower within, manifest the fragrance within,

Manifest the candle within, manifest the light within,

Manifest the music within, manifest the dance within,

If there were no humans on this planet,

Will there be any precious gold, diamonds, jewels…..

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

 © Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Soul Prints

There are so many different way to experience life. I have seen that I can broadly experience life as outward journey and inward journey. Now outward as well as inward journey are the two sides of the same coin, both are important. On our outward journey we create footprints and during inward journey we create soul prints. Just as no two beings have same footprints, handprints, eye prints, thumbprints…etc. same way no two beings have same soul prints, every single one of us has the liberty to create , to decorate our own soul prints and infuse the unique fragrance of our unconditional love as we bloom. 

Let me share an example; when the birds walk, you can see their footprints, which are like outward journey, where you can see and relate to it. Now when the birds fly in the air, you cannot see their fly prints, even though we cannot see their fly prints, still those prints do exist, as their GPS system tracks it every time they embark on their journey, which is like inward journey. Just like the birds need both outward journey (when they walk on the ground) and inward journey (when they fly in the air), to have balance in their existence, same way we need to experience inward and outward journey to create balance in our existence.

 Inward journey and the outward journey are like the two banks of the river, river of life. The two banks need to be intact, so that the river of life can flow passionately, forgivingly, fearlessly,  lovingly, thankfully, gently, humbly, harmoniously, singing the song of unconditional life. There are times when the banks develop cracks for any reason, that can happen and that is ok, all it is telling us is that there is something that needs our attention and balancing.

Life in itself becomes the purpose and the destination when there is balance between the inward journey and the outward journey, all we have to do is be a witness to how gratefully and gracefully it flows, and the journey goes on, singing the song of unconditional life (SOUL).

It’s our wonderful, beautiful world,

Let’s balance it and color it with love,

In love we flow, in love we fly,

In love we forget, in love we forgive,

In love we learn, in love we live,

It’s our wonderful, beautiful world!!

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Inward Journey

“I love you” Say it real loud, look in the mirror in your own eyes and say, “I love you” and you better mean every bit of it, try to feel the warmth of it, the comfort of it, the richness of it, keep looking in your eyes as you say this to yourself and say it again and again and again at least half a dozen times, this is one of the ways to embark on inward journey.  During this inward journey you are the gift, the giver and you are the receiver. You are the love, the lover and the beloved. Do this simple exercise when you wake up, before you go to bed and in-between whenever you get chance. 
You may feel very odd doing this, and that feeling is very natural, because most of us expect this phrase from somebody else as we believe that our love and happiness is with somebody else, the fulfillment of our life is with somebody else, we are incomplete and somebody else is going to fill that void.

As we know that our body is a master piece of senses and sensors from head to toe. We have used the gift of these magnificent senses and sensors mostly for the outward journey and that is perfectly fine, we enjoy the creation with these senses and sensors, and with the same senses and sensors we can enjoy the inward journey too.  

Most of us think we are the body and never think much about the life within the body, imagine neglecting this gift of life within ourselves year after year after year, and that is what exactly we try hard to do, totally neglect the inward journey. Inward as well as outward journey, both are like the two sides of the same coin, both are important to keep the balance. When you experience pain, all it means is that you are out of balance, the good news is that you have the ability to create balance in your existence, and others will join you if they like the way you create balance, helping this universe to expand.

When you start this simple “I love you” exercise, it may or may not be easy, keep trying even if your beliefs becomes barrier in your way, slowly you will start gaining confidence in yourself. As you start tapping into self- generating, unconditional, unlimited source of love within yourself, you will realize that no matter what, you are the co-creator of your this moment in time, you are the co-creator of your universe, decorate it the way you want, color it the way you want, with the fragrance of unconditional love that is overflowing from the eternal source within yourself and you will bring every unfolding moment to life. The inward journey helps to balance the outward journey, helps to balance our thoughts and our universe with positive approach from the love within us. This universe, this space around us is a perfect mirror, mirror that has the ability to receive and reflect our thoughts, it will reflect back multiple times whatever it receives, totally unbiased.

 If germs of common cold or cough can be contagious, then the gems of love can definitely be contagious too, now to be contagious you have to have infectious love within yourself, only then you can spread it to others. The key to tap into this unlimited unconditional source of love is within all of us.

Every single life and I mean every single life,
Is a Universe to bloom in itself,
Spread the gems of love from within,
Spread the fragrance of love from within,
For every single life is a universe to bloom in itself.

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together !!

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Expectations are nothing but self-driven thorns in the feet, every time you take a step they throb. So do anything and everything wholeheartedly with zero expectations whatsoever. Expectations will take the fun out of whatever you are doing.

Expectations take us right away into the future, the thing is future does not exist, so in this process of expectations we lose the present of present, by not being present. I will say if you want to focus on expectations, then focus on expectation of being in the present.

See when the flower blooms, it just blooms for the love of blooming, that’s it, nothing else. It does not matter to the flower if the breeze steps in or not to pick up the pleasant fragrance of the flower and carry it on its wings across the valleys, plains, and over the mountains, the flower blooms irrespective of any/all of that, as it loves to bloom with no expectations whatsoever.

Just be in the moment wholeheartedly, everything else will take care of itself. No matter what you want to do, you want to make tons of money, be in the moment wholeheartedly doing your business or whatever work you do, before you know, money will follow you.

Everything needs energy, expectations drain lots of energy and it will keep on draining energy until we shift to present mode.

If you ever see anybody in tears, in pain, in desolation, in sorrow, in ache, in throb…..sit down with them, take a minute, talk to them and if you see any thorn of expectation, help them take it out, to stop the throb. Listen to your heart.
Life is not supposed to limp,
Life is supposed to leap,
Leap in love, leap in laughter,
Leap in happiness, leap in harmony,
Leap in vitality, leap in vigor,
Life is supposed to leap !!
This body is a blessing till we start driving with our own hands the thorns of perfection, expectations, successfulness, possessiveness….etc in our feet, then we make it conditional and the same body feels like a burden. Please remove the burden, so that the blessings can bloom.

Let me share an example; before I started this blog I use to document my thoughts with the help of pencil and paper, then one day I thought that I use computer anyway, why not use it to document my thoughts and with that thought my blog came into existence. So now all I do is finish the topic that I have started to the best of my ability and publish it, with zero expectations, if anybody reads it, be my guest, on the other hand even if nobody looks this way, still bless their heart. You see, every activity needs energy and focus, so does expectations, especially if nothing goes as expected, expectation is a condition, and I want to blog unconditionally, only then I will be able to do it with undivided attention.

I love to blog and thru blog; I love to enjoy the fragrance of thoughts and the song of unconditional life from every part of this grand stage called mother earth, and I do not want to put any condition of expectations on this song of unconditional life.   

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

“Rise in love, within yourself”

There are many different ways to sing the song of unconditional life. Love is one of those ways to sing the song of unconditional life.

Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!

This word love is used so much; people say it lost its meaning. I wonder if the word anger, fear, hate…..etc. lost any of its meaning too, as these words are literally used more than love. So what is love, why so much emphasis on love, what’s the big deal about love. All we hear about love is, love has given nothing but pain, misery, misunderstanding, fear, anger, hatred, broken hearts, bitterness, depressions ….. the list goes on and on and on, this is all because of that other person, place or thing in their or not in their life. It is like they waited all their life for this other person, who was to deliver love, the delivery did not come thru, broke their heart, that ruined their life and everything that they dreamed of. So before we hold this delivery person responsible for not delivering the love that they were supposed to deliver, before we totally wipe this word love from our life forever, let’s look at it with an open mind, with no preconceived thoughts, with no cultural beliefs, no matter which cultural brand we belong to, let’s look at it just as a student of Mother Earth School Of Life Performing arts.

So what is love?

 Do this simple self-search / self-analyses, ask yourself this question if you prefer to, and share the fragrance of your thoughts.

 In my experience of life, I cannot define love, It is like trying to hold this vast beautiful sky in my hands, I can only define what is definitive. Love is infinite, it can be experienced, and we can share the experience of it with no expectations whatsoever. As every single one of us is unique and precious, so is the experience of love. Love is self-propelling and self-generating amazing food for life, the more you share the more you have, and this is no mumbo jumbo, this is physics of consciousness.    

“Fall in love” this beautiful phrase, I hear people say this all the time, and believe me, they literally (fall) do this, then they will complain and curse what they call love and the person who was supposed to deliver love as they were falling in their version of this deep dark chamber of love, they not only hurt themselves, they hurt the other person also that they dragged along in this bondage. That is possessiveness; they want to possess every being, place and thing. I hope who ever started this phrase of falling in love, survived the injuries.

“Rise in love, within yourself” that’s what love does, you bloom in love, in that fragrance of love you come to life, your every unfolding moment comes to life, every being, place and thing around you starts to bloom in love, you are not possessive in love,  you share your love, you support in love, you forgive in love, you sing in love, you dance in love, you are complete in love, you are content in love, you laugh in love, you live in love, you liberate in love….. Just like the fragrance of flower connects birds, butterflies, honeybees, humans and other species to the flower, same way love connects us with ourselves, with others, with the creation and the creator. Love makes us the co-creator of existence and every unfolding moment starts to bloom with the fragrance of life.

They say, for the first time when human beings saw  themselves in the still water mirror, they were really scared of themselves, their own self scared the heck out of them, from there started the journey of physical self enhancement, and we have come a long way from that first scary self-reflection in the still water mirror.  

The same way love is also the invisible mirror within ourselves,   it helps us to enhance our non-physical being. The more we enhance our non-physical being the more we fill ourselves with love, there comes a point when love within you starts to spill over.  All along you were the ultimate source of love, and you realize how complete you are. Unnecessary and for no reason you kept on blaming someone else for not delivering you the promised love.

You were, you are, and you will always be the song of unconditional life (SOUL), full of unconditional love.
 Bloom and this Universe will Bloom with you !!

 Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together !

 © Copyright all rights reserved.

Saturday, November 8, 2014



There are so many different ways to sing the song of unconditional life. Gratitude is one of those ways.

So what is state of gratitude?  State of gratitude is one of the best prescriptions to be in the present.

Most of the time we are in the past or in the future, it is like we have the ability to see, still we prefer to put blindfold on our eyes with our own hands and try our best to be not in the present, and our consistent refusal to exist (since past and future both do not exist, we can only exist in the present by being present), to live and to bloom. It is like every unfolding moment is trying it’s best, with changing seasons, changing weather, spring after spring bringing beautiful colorful flowers full of fragrance, waterfalls full of music, beautiful birds and other species, sun performs all day long from east to west, moon and the stars decorate the sky at night, clouds bring rain, and at times electrifying performance of thunder and lightning etc. all these efforts to wake us up, to help us take our blindfold off our eyes, to liberate us from the past  and the future, to be in the present and enjoy every unfolding moment, to love, to sing the song of unconditional life.      

 Let’s assume that the past and the future both exists, the past is sweet and bitter, so most of the time bitterness from the past occupies the present, it creates more bitter past and totally swallows the future, this process can create a huge monster of darkness if one of the light switches is not turned on, as soon as possible. These light switches are not on any wall, they are within all of us, one of the light switches is called Gratitude, we have to be in the present to turn it on, the moment we turn it on, the monster of darkness vanishes, we start creating sweeter past, pleasant present and the state of gratitude becomes one of the stepping stones and the milestones for sweet future.

Let me share an example.

 I must express my gratitude to that glass window; we all know that the sun rises in the east. Now will you believe if I tell you that in the morning the sunlight enters my home from the west, you better believe it, because that’s what happens. There are some homes to the east and the west of my home that are at a higher elevation, so when the sun is still behind the homes to my east, I get the sunlight from the west, as the sunlight gets reflected from the glass window of the home to my west, that glass window becomes the medium of light for me in the morning for at least ten minutes. So that glass window is for sure on my gratitude list.         

It always helps to make a gratitude list. On my gratitude list besides human beings, and light reflecting glass window, I have other species, plants, planets, waterfalls etc., mother earth, its gravity(imagine life on this planet without gravity) and so many other things. Now that gratitude list is even longer, beyond my imagination. I have on the gratitude list, my this huge blogger family, thank you so much for letting me be a part of your precious moment in time. There is so much to be thankful for at this Mother Earth School of Life Performing Arts.

When we are in the state of gratitude, there are no conflicts, no questions, no concerns, no quest, no complains….., we are so complete, so content, we are trying to find the best words to thank, and every word in the dictionary feels small in comparison to the gifts that we have received. In that moment when we close our eyes for a second we feel as if the whole universe is within us, that’s how complete we feel in the state of gratitude. That is the beauty of gratitude; the moment we are in Gratitude it not only transforms us, it transforms our universe too.

Wish you all the transforming experiences in the state of Gratitude.

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.             

Saturday, November 1, 2014



My journey with meditation and yoga started more than 7 years ago. It all started with a thought that life is more than taking care of my needs, desires, craze, wants, obsessions etc. The more I thought about this thought, the more I wanted to know about this life.

The first thing that happened, I started to be more aware of my health (the wellness of my physical being). I always use to hear people talk about meditation and yoga, I will see people doing it on different TV channels, I kind of knew what it is, but it never registered with me, until one early Sunday morning ( I am an early bird ), I turned the TV on and it happen to be a yoga and meditation session . I watched it for few minutes, and then something came to my mind, I do not remember my thoughts exactly,  as if to see what yoga is, I moved from my couch on to the carpet, knowingly or unknowingly it was my first yoga session. I never thought I will get hooked on to this new experience of mine, but here I am more than 7 years later, try not to miss it every morning.

So the way my day usually unfolds is; it will start with 20 minutes of meditation; I sit in a very relaxed position, just shadow my deep breathing in and out, after few minutes I feel like I melted into am own breath, nothing else exists other than gentle breathing, I step out of my meditation totally relaxed when I hear the timer go off. Next, it is yoga time, first 10 minutes of warm up and stretches, then 30 minutes of yoga (mostly breathing exercises), 5 minutes of what I call humming (I take a deep breath and hum out slowly any of my favorite tunes) doing this I have noticed, after few days of practice the breathing in gets deeper and the humming out gets longer, during humming I just leisurely look out the window and welcome the rising day.  After shower, for breakfast I usually take glass of water+ oatmeal +fruit+ cup of tea (I am vegetarian, it’s been more than 8 years now) Then I go on with my regular day, in between when I get chance I try to document my thoughts.

My lunch is usually salad with some chopped almonds+ some mixed vegetables (or some soy product) + brown rice (or bread) + fruit+ glass of water.  Dinners is also something vegetarian, snacks in between meals and try to stay well hydrated.

In the evening I will go for a walk and/or skip rope. Before going to bed I will read something, document my thoughts, enjoy blogs from around the planet, do 5 minutes of humming, 20 minutes of meditation, and bed time. The moment I hit the bed I am fast asleep.  

In my experience, Meditation is inward journey, it is a thought filter that never goes bad, and it is a filter that keeps pollution out. Meditation has helped me with my experience of life. From my experience of life, if I have to sum up everything, then the essence so far is that; Love is life, love is always pure love; everything else is pollution of mind. Meditation is state of gratitude, absolute gratitude. You are here and now in the state of gratitude.  There are no questions, no quests.

 The reason I shared, about how my day unfolds is that, in my experience I have seen, every activity, every thought has an impact and influence on how we exist. The physical being, the non-physical being, and everything in-between is all integrated so well, whenever one variable changes, it effects the rest of the equation. Meditation helps to balance this equation. It is a journey from physical to non-physical and vice versa. I need this body, no matter what I like to experience, I need this body for the light of life to kindle and to experience life, I need this body to experience and enjoy the blooming, and meditation helps the body. I am sure with the pleasant presence of all of you and with the help of your fragrance, someday I will bloom too. Thanks for letting me, be a part of your precious unfolding moments.   

Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Love – Fragrance of flower becomes airborne and there are no boundaries no limits and it is unconditional.

This post is in continuation of the previous five posts, so please visit the previous posts also when you are here.
                                                                                                                                                                    4th Stage- Love – Fragrance of flower becomes airborne and there are no boundaries no limits and it is unconditional.

 Congratulations you made it!! So now you are at the 4th stage, it is like you have reached at the mountain top, from here you can see all the stages very clearly. You can see where you were stuck in the rut, the strong whirlpool, the quick sand, or the endless maze etc. of greed, hate, ego, doubt, self-condemnation, lust, fear etc. that constantly kept you shackled in complete darkness, and how you pulled yourself out. At 4th stage you are totally yourself, love is the very fiber of your being, and you ride on gentle and eternal wings of love, there is no room for hate, fear, doubt, lust, greed, ego, self-condemnation etc. you are free from all the heavy baggage that was holding you from blooming. Love is the light switch, the moment you turn it on, the darkness disappears. Love is all natural alchemy stored within all of us, no matter what you touch, your presence brings every being, place or thing to life, every unfolding moment blooms with the fragrance of life. You very well realize that love liberates your energy; and everything else traps your energy, you also realize that, it is your moment in time, it is your fragrance that connects space and time, you are the connecting link.
You still live in the same world that you use to, now something has changed within you and with that your whole world has changed. With the change in your perception, what you perceive has also changed ( Observer's effect). So now when you visit other stages, you will enjoy the visit, as you will be riding on the wings of love.
It is not just the performance of the flower, there are other performances unfolding at the same time to make it a blooming life of love. As the fragrance of the flower is ready to be airborne, gentle breeze taps in, and the fragrance of the flower becomes airborne. Breeze spreads the fragrance of love from one tree to another, all around and everywhere. As the fragrance spreads, beautiful and colorful butterflies step out of their cocoon at the right time to enjoy the fragrance of the blooming flower, along with them arrive the hummingbirds, honeybees, humans and other species to enjoy the fragrance. 

You are the unsung song that has to be sung,
       You are the dance that has to be danced,
You are the symphony that has to be performed,
       You are the cloud that has to carry the rain,
To the desert, to the valley, to the mountains, and the plains,
       As the flower seeds are waiting for your arrival,
To bloom, in the desert, in the valley, on the mountains, and the plains,
       You are the seed, that has to crack open,
And sprout through the hard dirt layers without a scratch, 
       You are the flower that has to bloom,
So bloom with the fragrance of love, 
 And this whole universe will bloom with you !!

 Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bud fully blooms and becomes a flower.

This post is in continuation of the previous four posts, so please stroll by the previous posts also when you are here.

·        3rd Stage- Nirvana, Liberation or Moksha (as is called in the east). Bud fully blooms and becomes a flower.

To understand 3rd stage, we have to keep this thought filter in mind; we come from, and we are part of what is absolutely complete, absolutely perfect, absolutely everywhere, absolutely all the time, and so are we. Matter and energy are part of our composition, both matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. At this stage where the bud fully blooms and becomes a flower, we experience the composition of matter and energy in the form of love. 

At 3rd stage you are totally aware and awake; your existence comes to life. You want to be fully awake to enjoy the symphony performed by the birds, and you want to be ready with open arms, every morning when the new day arrives to kiss your forehead. Every single time, every symphony is special and every kiss is virgin, just for you, that’s how precious you are and your existence is.

Your awareness brings your presence and the presence of others to life. The Bud of life fully blooms, every single petal, one after the other and becomes a flower, flower of life.

Let me share the example of flower seeds on the desert floor, these seeds wait for months or even years for clouds to bring some rain. When the rain comes, theses seeds break open, those tender leaves without a single scratch make their way thru different layers of dirt (as if these layers of dirt are the lust, anger, greed, ego etc. of their world ),  because they want to enjoy the birds, the butterflies, the sun, the moon, the stars, the breeze, this whole existence, to spread the message of life and gratitude.   

At 3rd stage awareness becomes your way of life. Life is liberation, life is Nirvana, life is Moksha and we are here to experience it. The moment we decide to live life, we attain Nirvana, we attain Liberation, we attain moksha, and it is that simple. Try to document blooming of a flower, you will see it is so simple, one petal after the other in a very pleasant way, you try to turn or twist it, and the bud will fall of the branch without blooming. Life is very pleasant when it is simple, all we have to do is acknowledge and endorse every unfolding moment.

Love is always pure love; everything else is pollution of mind. At 3rd stage you realize that, anybody can deprive you of everything, I mean everything, but nobody can deprive you of love, you are nothing but love, unconditional love, which has no barriers, no boundaries and that realization of love, liberates you.

Wish you the best of blooming with 3rd stage experiences.
Let's sing the song of unconditional life together.

 © Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Where the bud starts to bloom.

This post is in continuation of the previous three posts, so please stroll by the previous posts also when you are here.

·        2nd Stage- Consciousness or dharma (as is called in the east). This is like the stage where the bud starts to bloom.

2nd Stage is like when you are waking up from sleep, you are in between sleep and awaking, where you are trying to wake up and at the same time feel like going back to sleep again. Where you can hear coming from outside your room, very subtle early morning symphony, travelling on the wings of the gently blowing breeze, and being performed by the birds.  Also thru the cracks of your window blinds and drapes, the sunlight travelled 92,960,000 miles and is trying its best to kiss your forehead and wish you good morning. Despite all these efforts, you wake up for an instant or so and quickly resume your sleep, you want somebody to immediately shut the windows, blinds and drapes properly tight, so that you can enjoy your sleep for some more time.

This game of sleep and awaking continues. As long as 1st stage still excites you, the thought of what’s beyond this will not arise, and that’s ok. You do not want to rush; you want to have complete experience of, no matter which stage you are at.

Once you realize that you have achieved whatever you wanted to achieve at 1st stage and there is nothing more that excites you at 1st stage, and then step on to 2nd stage, this is where all the fun starts. At 2nd stage the word consciousness or dharma become meaningful, they are not just words anymore.  When you are conscious, the meaning of everything at 1st stage changes, because now your perception has changed. In everything that you do, there is a certain level of contentment and consciousness. You realize, the precious life that dwells in you and everybody else is exactly the same, and you are the host, the co-creator of this existence, you start to appreciate existence and you start to bloom. 

Do not let the bud of life within you, fall of the branch of life without blooming. This universe is waiting for your pleasant fragrance, so bloom and this universe will bloom with you.

When you are conscious, the bud of life within you, everybody, everything, and everywhere around you starts to bloom.

Wish you the best of blooming with 2nd stage experiences.
Let's sing the song of unconditional life together.

© Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Where flower is just a bud.

1st Stage- Money, material, artha (as is called in the east), lust, sensuality or kama (as is called in the east). This is like the stage where flower is just a bud.
    So the existence and the stages of existence are associated with the physical and the nonphysical aspects of every being, place and thing.
    Today we will just talk about its association with human beings.
    The human body from head to toe is combination of sensors comprised of earth, air, water, fire and ether. This body is a blessing if we are aware of its abilities, but if we are not aware of its abilities, then it may feel like a burden. If we are aware or conscious, these sensors can take us on a very pleasant journey or on the other hand, these sensors can take us on a very rough ride if we are not aware, or unconscious.
    You must have heard or seen human beings, who have absolutely everything that is mentioned in 1st stage and everything that one can possibly have, but they are still not happy and constantly feel incomplete, WHY? One of the reasons why they feel that way, because they do not see 2nd, 3rdand 4th stages. The journey of flower is not just being a bud, that is just the 1st stage. Imagine if every flower on this planet falls of the branch as a bud, how lifeless this planet will become.
     Keep in mind that 1st stage is not all that is, to be, it is just the beginning of it. 
     Wish you the best of 1st stage experiences.

       Let’s sing the song of unconditional life together.

  © Copyright all rights reserved.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fragrance of Life

We exist in so many different ways and there are so many different stages of existence. To understand it better we will use flower as an example. Some of those stages of existence are:

·        1st Stage- Money, material, artha (as is called in the east), lust, sensuality or kama (as is called in the east). This is like the stage where flower is just a bud.

·        2nd Stage- Consciousness or dharma (as is called in the east). This is like the stage where the bud starts to bloom.

·        3rd Stage- Liberation, Nirvana or Moksha (as is called in the east). Bud fully blooms and becomes a flower.

·        4th Stage- Love – Fragrance of flower becomes airborne and there are no boundaries no limits and it is unconditional.

Every stage has its own experience. The Beauty of love is that, it changes the meaning and experience of the different stages of existence. Love is the only path to find ourselves, without love we are lost, without love we are nothing more than a wanderer. Without love no matter which direction we go in, we will always be lost, and when we are lost, we know something is not right. When we are lost, our world starts to crumble, everybody and everything around us looks strange, and nothing connects. Love is the only path that lead us to ourselves, lead us home.
Love makes our life and the life of others meaningful. Every being, place or thing becomes meaningful. We are not here by accident, we are the host, love makes us host of life. We feel like we are part of this existence, our presence becomes meaningful and purposeful, everything connects and nothing looks strange anymore.

Just like the fragrance of flower, connect birds, butterflies, honeybees, humans and other species to the flower, same way love connect us with ourselves, with others, with the creation and the creator. Love makes us the co-creator of existence & every unfolding moment starts to bloom with the fragrance of life.

Let's sing the song of unconditional life together.

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